3 Easy Foods For A Boxed Picnic

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Picnics have long been one of my favorite ways to gather. I think there is something so magical that happens when people come together at a neutral location, with beautiful surroundings, and just enjoy their time together. Whether at a park, beach, hilltop, lakeshore, or campsite, taking a place that’s open to everyone and inviting guests to appreciate it together is such an intimate experience. 

And now that some stay-at-home orders are being lifted, I have a hunch good old-fashioned picnics are going to be the next big thing - even if they are socially distanced. And the beauty of a picnic is everyone can bring their own food, utensils and supplies (to keep the risk of spreading the disease low) and can sit 6 feet apart while still being together. Mark my words, the “socially distanced individual boxed picnic” is going to be the new dinner party.

Boxed picnics are low-key, simple to put together, and my personal favorite: minimal clean up! With a boxed picnic, everything you plan to eat fits nicely into one box, and can either be thrown away afterwards or packed back neatly into your bag without worry of leftovers spilling out. Ideally you don’t need any additional supplies or utensils, and a napkin can fit inside the box without it getting ruined. Can’t you just picture it?? You and your people, walking to the picnic site of your choosing, each armed with just a blanket and a box of food?! I mean, if there’s any easier way to gather with your people I’d love to hear it, but honestly I think this is really the dream!

So if you’re invited to a picnic in the near future or want to host one of your own, below are 3 easy foods you can make, individually pack and transport in a box to a picnic. 

First up is, of course, the traditional picnic staple, the sandwich. And for good reason! Sandwiches are easy to make, filling (but not too much), and are easy to pack in a box and take on the go (which really is the most important element when choosing your picnic foods). Now obviously you can pack any type of sandwich you wish, but I think the key here is to elevate your typical go-to sandwich. Use a fancy artisan loaf instead of sandwich bread, choose a special ingredient like bacon or balsamic glaze that you love but wouldn’t normally use, or layer in multiple types of meats instead of using just one. Presentation is one of the things that sets a picnic apart from a typical Wednesday lunch, so think about slicing your sandwich into triangles, or make it into multiple fun mini sandwiches, or even go all out with a wrap! 

The next thing I like to pack in my box is a side like fruit, chips or pasta. Although I love a good salad, I try to avoid them for picnics because transporting a wet salad can get pretty messy and often doesn’t stay fresh long enough to eat. But I also like to stick to something simple for my side, especially if the fancy sandwich is my star. A clementine, orange or vine of grapes works well when it comes to fruit (again, trying to avoid anything that requires bringing a knife and/or browns quickly). Chips are always a good option, especially if you can find the individual bagged ones. And I know I said I avoid salads, but pasta salad is really the exception here. If I can find (or make) a pasta salad that’s light on the dressing, that’s my favorite side to bring. It lasts longer than a dressed green salad and feels fancier than fruit or chips. That being said, it obviously means needing a fork, and sometimes the beauty of a boxed picnic means all you need is the box. So it really depends on the logistics and type of picnic “vibe” I’m going for!

And finally, no picnic box is complete without a little something sweet to eat. My go-to’s are usually a brownie or a cookie (because again, we’re going for minimal supplies/clean up here), but my absolute favorite picnic treat is a lemon bar or square! Something about the refreshing taste of lemon after a good meal just feels spring-y to me, and picnics are spring to me (even if they actually take place in the fall, winter or summer). Again, for a boxed picnic, the goal is to fit everything in one box that can be thrown away after. Which also means all the things in the box need to maintain their shape and flavor when they bump into each other. So really anything bar or cookie related is a good choice! There are so many gooey s’mores bars, m&m bars, strawberry shortcake bars, peach cobbler bars, and more to choose from that can elevate your picnic dessert game. But also when has the traditional cookie ever disappointed anyone?! The answer is never.